Colourful and healthy living
Osmo Wood Wax Finish adds colourful highlights in children’s bedrooms and makes a real hit with its natural ingredients.
A jungle safari, a pink princess castle or an astronaut space adventure – children’s wishes for the perfect bedroom are as individual as the children themselves are. But, one thing is clear: the more colours, the better! Besides the appearance, another important factor for parents is the safety of their children. Harmful substances in indoor air can trigger allergies, sleep disorders, fatigue and respiratory diseases. For all interior wood surfaces, Osmo Holz und Color GmbH & Co. KG has the ideal product for an individual and healthy decoration of wood surfaces – such as beds, chests of drawers or toys – with the tried-and-tested Osmo Wood Wax Finish. This wood finish is based on natural, vegetable oils and waxes and is completely safe for humans, animals and plants when dry.

It also makes a hit with a wide range of colours. Over 20 colours – from Light Oak, Mahogany and Ebony to intense Red, Yellow or Blue – leave nothing to be desired. And if the perfect hue cannot be found, you can easily create it yourself. Simply put the appropriate colours in a clean container and stir well. The application is just as uncomplicated: apply with an Osmo Flat Brush, a Microfibre Roller or Hand Pad Holder. Compared to conventional finishing systems, the use of plant-based ingredients results in an even colour and a harmonious appearance. One coat creates a transparent tint; for more intense coloration, the surface needs a second coat after drying. A colour treatment with Wood Wax Finish gives the wood a microporous and breathable surface, which is easy-to-clean and durable. Now the surface is wipeproof and resistant to stains and everyday wear.